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Beste Product van het Jaar 2021-2022

Best Product of the Year 2021-2022

As you know, Bamboo Basics was nominated for Best Product of the Year. Thanks to everyone who voted for us!

December 15th was the official award ceremony in Amsterdam.

And in the Sustainable Fashion category, the winner was…..drumroll….. BAMBOO BASICS!

For a year, we can proudly carry this title.

In the ‘Best Product of the Year Netherlands’ competition, consumers can evaluate products. The concept originated from the desire for consumers to share their opinions about their favorite products. The goal of the competition is to give positive media attention to consumer products. The products are evaluated on various criteria. The winners are awarded because they achieved the highest score on the aspects of a product that consumers consider most important.

We think this is a nice appreciation from our customers and hope to convince even more people to choose the sustainable and comfortable underwear from Bamboo Basics.

‘Sustainable Fashion’ new category

A part of the Bamboo Basics team was able to receive the trophy for Best Product of the Year 2021-2022 in the ‘Sustainable Fashion’ category. This year, for the first time, there were separate awards in the field of sustainability. It’s great that Bamboo Basics was able to win a title immediately! Curious about all the winners? Check them out on the Product of the Year site.

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